Enlighten yourself, there will always be positives to look at even if your mind, or heart says otherwise, even if those few positives are outweighed by waves of negativity.
Don't let it blind you. That could lead you deeper into the abyss, that is what it wants, to keep you held tight in its cold embrace, to stay for the worst, stay calm and be not afraid.
The heat of the positives/enlightenment may be hard to bear, and tricky to keep close to oneself.
Once you can accept the embrace it's been trying to give you, make sure you don't slip back into that dark mental hole, right up there in your cranium.
But alas, we are all different for a reason, not everything works for everyone, I just hope that on your journey, that you also find that peace, just as I've been searching for mine.
And don't let self-criticism be excessive, that can hurt you, leading to negative consequences.
Keep Whirling... until next pit-stop!